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Syntax Terrors (Video)
Music video for 8-Bit artist, Erick Derezzed. Synopsis: Erick plays a console game "Syntax Terrors" which involves an avatar of himself in a haunted house fighting ghosts and ghouls. With "real" Erick's attention diverted on his game, he doesn't notice the paranormal activity that is going on right behind him.

Credits: Music composition, conceptualization, storyboard, lighting, cinematography, visual effects, editing, producer and director.

The final HD video for "Syntax Terrors".
The video switches between two main sets, the living room where Erick is sitting and the on-screen game that he is playing. For the living room shots, a camera was stationed on a tripod eye-level to the couch with a blue backdrop that would later be "keyed" out in post production. The purpose of this set up was so I could achieve the effect of objects floating across the room. The "floating ghost" was a styrofoam ball under a white scarf attached to a string above the blue screen. A fan blew the scarf from underneath giving the illusion that the ghost was self propelling. In post production, the ghost was turned onto the x-axis and animated from the left to the right side of the screen with glow and transparency effects.
All of the scenes of Erick's on screen avatar, haunted castle and contents, were created in Illustrator, pixel by pixel! The inspiration for these characters and their world were the 2D era platform games of the early 1990's. Several instances of these characters in various positions had to be created in order to animate them running, walking, shooting or scoring points. Animation was done in Flash and exported into Vegas. The splash "menu" screen was created in Photoshop.


Syntax Still
Syntax Still
Syntax Still
Syntax Still
Syntax Still
Syntax Still
Syntax Still
Syntax Still
Syntax Still
Syntax Still
Syntax Still
Syntax Still